New Sony 0.3mm-Thick OLED Display

Sony has produced a new line of OLED TV’s that are just 0.3mm thick – about the thickness of a playing card.

The super-thin panel was unveiled at a trade show in Toyko this week without official announcement.

Impress, a Japanese-language site says in a report that the 0.3mm-thick panel matches the older XEL-1 OLED in resolution (960 x 540) and characteristics but is 1/10th the thickness.

The display is 11 inches in size and is as yet unnamed.

Also on display at the show was a 0.2mm thick OLED display, but it is very small at only 3.5 inches.

There aren’t any technical specifications available as yet (besides the resolution) but reports say the picture is surprisingly sharp.

Sony has said the display could come to market easily within two to three years.

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Comments (One Response):

SONY comes up with new stuff, but I won’t do anything to put money in their pocket. I’ll wait until the technology proliferates.

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